Monday, April 7, 2014

Quinoa Pizza Crust

Like usual I am a little behind. Too many leftovers to use ;) A few days ago I made a BBQ chicken pizza on a Quinoa crust! It was good. If you go to Google and type it in, I'm sure you will find a ton of different ideas of how to do it.   Here is how I did it and what I should have done differently! :)

So I made the quinoa according to the package. I used one cup of dry quinoa. When it was close to being done I took it off of the burner and used my immersion blender to blend it all up. I should have blended it up more, that's my first fix. Adding a little extra water would be my second fix. I made it a little too thick. I added salt, basil and garlic to the mixture. I heated up a large round skillet pan and pressed the "dough" into the pan. And my final change would be a thinner crust. Next time I will turn it into 2 pizzas. I cooked it until crispy on both sides and then added BBQ sauce, pulled chicken and mozzarella. I kept mine on the stove but it could easily be thrown in the oven for a few minutes. I really liked the pizza, other than my needed changes. My toddler loved the pizza. My husband, he spit it out. I told you I would be honest. Here are a few reasons why I think he did. He doesn't like quinoa. It was far too thick. And finally, he got home a couple hours after it was made and the sauce had soaked into the crust and it was a horrible texture. My next piece of advice would be to eat it fresh! I will be making this again. My mixture should have been thinner like pancake mix and it was like  bread dough. If you take these changes into account I'm sure it will be a great recipe for you!

Check back later for my 2 week meal plan!!!

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